

'The Drovers Boy, by Ted Egan'

'The Drovers Boy, by Ted Egan'

'An Australian Stockman in the NT'

'An Australian Stockman in the NT'

'Neigh Neigh 2'

'Neigh Neigh 2'

'Neigh Neigh 1'

'Neigh Neigh 1'

'The Hunstman of Kildare'

'The Hunstman of Kildare'

'Riding the Range'

'Riding the Range'

Angophora is a genus of ten species of trees or large shrubs in the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae)

Angophora is a genus of ten species of trees or large shrubs in the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae)
'Angophora at Moonie for John'

John and 'Elle' with her first Calf

John and 'Elle' with her first Calf

The Hills of Gundagai

The Hills of Gundagai

'Terry Marshall on the Watercourse'

Belinda Williams Artist

Welcome to my Blog......

As an artist, and especially in my life, (It is said there is a book in all of us!!!!), lots of interesting, amusing and wonderful events can happen in the course of a week.

I will be sharing with you many different aspects of my life including

Recent works,
Works available for sale
Illustrations from my journal,
Exhibition Dates,
'Utes in the Paddock' updates,
May Street Studios happenings including Open Days
May Lane Street Art,
Taronga Zoo visits,
and life in the Blue Mountains.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Work in Progress - Dogs

Welcome to my Blog......
A great way of keeping all up to date with my painting activites in and around the Studio!!!

January, a busy start to the Year. As many of you will be aware, in 2009 I produced a Horse Show on request from Dominique at Barry Stern Gallery, which was mildly successful with the Economic Crisis shading the World. This year I have decided to have a change of animal, The Dog!!!! 2006 is the Year of the Dog in the Chinese Calendar, but I am going to make this year, My Year of the Dog.

Prior to Christmas I was commissioned to paint a sweet dog named 'Drew'. The idea stemmed from there, producing a flyer, which I have in hand and pass out as I walk and pass owners continually walking their dogs at all times of the day, and I continue to paint images of both dogs and cats so as I can have my website reconstructed, finally.

So if you know of someone with a loved pet that may like he/she painted as a gift, upcoming Birthday, or someone who is just wrapt in their dog and is as passionate about their friend, as I am in my painting, please drop me a line.

Happy Tuesday